September 19, 2012 Launches Latest Version of Safety EyeWear Kiosk
Raleigh, NC (June 6, 2012) Eyeweb launched the latest version of their kiosk-based safety eyewear application at The American Society of Safety Engineers 2012 Convention in Denver, Colorado.
The latest release includes more than 75 new enhancements that are focused on delivering more value and functionality for administrators. "Many of our customers were looking for more flexibility in reporting, employee management and billing options and this release offers new capabilities in all of these areas" says Michael Wilson, Director of Sales. (
Eyeweb is a leading provider of safety eyewear with unique Triple O (Online e-commerce, Onsite and Offsite) delivery options. Established in 1996, Eyeweb's parent company Cyber Imaging Systems, Inc. provides try on imaging technologies for optical and cosmetic applications. The company serves corporate customers that provide a safety eyewear benefit to their employees by managing the program across geographically disbursed locations while also providing the employee audience the online ability to re-order and to meet their prescription eyeglass needs. For more complete information about Eyeweb programs visit
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